Come sua abitudine quotidiana la nostra sindaca mente, racconta balle, frottole, fesserie inesistenti. Sciocchezze e idiozie in cui non crede neppure lei. E' fortunata di far parte di un partito politico che ha fatto dell'assenza di vergogna un tratto distintivo. Riceviamo e pubblichiamo volentieri dunque questa missiva inviata al Sindaco di Tokyo affinché la possa leggere e possa non farsi ingannare dalle frottole raccontate in questi giorni in oriente da Virginia Raggi.
Non si può stare zitti dopo quello che la nostra Sindaca ha detto alla Governatrice di Tokyo, presentando Roma come la città del cambiamento, dell'innovazione, del buon governo. No, non si può. E aggiungo che mi meraviglia che nessuno, dico nessuno di coloro che contano molto più di me (e ci vuole poco) abbiano speso una sola parola per obiettare la favola che è stata raccontata. Davvero bravi. OPEN LETTER TO THE GOVERNOR OF TOKYO LETTERA APERTA AL GOVERNATORE DI TOKYO Dear Governor, may I write to you after reading the speech our mayor, Virginia Raggi, in your presence and in the sight of the mayor of Jakarta. She said that they are redesigning the city, reprogramming mobility, increasing the number of cycle paths, pedestrianized several urban areas, encouraged the use of electric vehicles, building the present. All this gives the idea of a city in progress, a city facing the future, a city in constant change, governed by capable and far-sighted administrators. Unfortunately the situation is not that described to you. Those who live in this city must face a completely different reality. We are literally overwhelmed by the rubbish, we have a third-world transport system with some stops of the subway stopped by month and others in absolute abandonmen. The green is totally neglected, there are actually two cycle lanes that can be crossed and at the same time they are not even 8 kilometers together, while the already existing tracks are ignored and neglected, the pedestrian zones can be counted on the fingertips. Separate collection does not work because the company that is responsible for it has no means nor personnel. Recently, 70 used buses have been leased in Israel for 8 years and cannot be used because they are outside European legislation and they are pollutants. Our streets are full of holes, animals of all kinds, especially mice, gulls and wild boars have invaded the city attracted by the garbage that lies in the streets and on the sidewalks. Tourists look incredulously at this situation and declare that they will never return to Rome. We live immersed in enormous problems that increase every day instead of decreasing. Our administration is unable to take even the simplest decision to remedy the problems that beset us, from the smallest to the largest. People are tired, disappointed and hopeless. We are organizing mass protests to raise awareness among our leaders and encourage them to finally do something concrete and use the common sense. Unfortunately we are not listened to and we have no interlocutors to talk to. Thus Rome dies slowly and inexorably, trampled and humiliated by those who should administer it. This is our reality. There is not another one. What has been told to you is a personal vision that has nothing to do with the current situation. You can ask the many Japanese tourists who come to Rome and find themselves in a world that is light years away from them. We are ashamed of all this. We have no weapons to protest and ask for help if not the social media. Through social media we tell the world the truth with the hope, one day, of reversing the path and going back to the abyss where we are today. Our rulers presented themselves as the wind of epochal change and brought us to ruin, mocked and criticized from all over the world. It's time to say "stop". And I hope with this letter that you can join us at least with thought and say "stop" with us. I greet you with respect and admiration for you and for the people you represent, a model to imitate and follow for a bright future. Dr. Luca Laurenti
Non si può stare zitti dopo quello che la nostra Sindaca ha detto alla Governatrice di Tokyo, presentando Roma come la città del cambiamento, dell'innovazione, del buon governo. No, non si può. E aggiungo che mi meraviglia che nessuno, dico nessuno di coloro che contano molto più di me (e ci vuole poco) abbiano speso una sola parola per obiettare la favola che è stata raccontata. Davvero bravi. OPEN LETTER TO THE GOVERNOR OF TOKYO LETTERA APERTA AL GOVERNATORE DI TOKYO Dear Governor, may I write to you after reading the speech our mayor, Virginia Raggi, in your presence and in the sight of the mayor of Jakarta. She said that they are redesigning the city, reprogramming mobility, increasing the number of cycle paths, pedestrianized several urban areas, encouraged the use of electric vehicles, building the present. All this gives the idea of a city in progress, a city facing the future, a city in constant change, governed by capable and far-sighted administrators. Unfortunately the situation is not that described to you. Those who live in this city must face a completely different reality. We are literally overwhelmed by the rubbish, we have a third-world transport system with some stops of the subway stopped by month and others in absolute abandonmen. The green is totally neglected, there are actually two cycle lanes that can be crossed and at the same time they are not even 8 kilometers together, while the already existing tracks are ignored and neglected, the pedestrian zones can be counted on the fingertips. Separate collection does not work because the company that is responsible for it has no means nor personnel. Recently, 70 used buses have been leased in Israel for 8 years and cannot be used because they are outside European legislation and they are pollutants. Our streets are full of holes, animals of all kinds, especially mice, gulls and wild boars have invaded the city attracted by the garbage that lies in the streets and on the sidewalks. Tourists look incredulously at this situation and declare that they will never return to Rome. We live immersed in enormous problems that increase every day instead of decreasing. Our administration is unable to take even the simplest decision to remedy the problems that beset us, from the smallest to the largest. People are tired, disappointed and hopeless. We are organizing mass protests to raise awareness among our leaders and encourage them to finally do something concrete and use the common sense. Unfortunately we are not listened to and we have no interlocutors to talk to. Thus Rome dies slowly and inexorably, trampled and humiliated by those who should administer it. This is our reality. There is not another one. What has been told to you is a personal vision that has nothing to do with the current situation. You can ask the many Japanese tourists who come to Rome and find themselves in a world that is light years away from them. We are ashamed of all this. We have no weapons to protest and ask for help if not the social media. Through social media we tell the world the truth with the hope, one day, of reversing the path and going back to the abyss where we are today. Our rulers presented themselves as the wind of epochal change and brought us to ruin, mocked and criticized from all over the world. It's time to say "stop". And I hope with this letter that you can join us at least with thought and say "stop" with us. I greet you with respect and admiration for you and for the people you represent, a model to imitate and follow for a bright future. Dr. Luca Laurenti